Congratulations to the Cast of the Spooky Spectacular and thank you to everyone who came out to audition! The show is Thursday October 14th at 7:30pm! Doors open 7pm

Congratulations to the Cast of the Spooky Spectacular and thank you to everyone who came out to audition! The show is Thursday October 14th at 7:30pm! Doors open 7pm
On October 16th, the Chamber Singers of EHS will be performing in a master class for “Voces8” Choir. Voces8 is a prestigious, […]
We came back with some amazing awards and swept the competition: 2x Superior Ratings, Best in Class, Chamber Singers Silver Award, and […]
October 29, 2022, 7 PM START TIME
All choir apparel will be available for pickup on 11/16 at 7pm at the Choir Parent Meeting